Is it safe to let children play outdoors?
What is your favourite play memory from childhood?
What were you doing? Where were you? Who were you with?
If you’re a millennial or older, there’s a good chance that memory involved you being outdoors, probably with friends or cousins, taking some kind of risk. In other words, you were having an adventure! That’s the most common response I hear when doing this activity, but that type of experience is becoming rarer. Our children are not having adventures like they used to.
Less rural adventures with more people living in cities.
Less natural adventures with cities encroaching on green space.
Less backyard adventures with increased housing density.
Less outdoor adventures with more time spent in front of screens.
And less independent adventures because it’s not safe to let children play unsupervised these days… or is it?
Around the world, especially in western countries, the three barriers’ parents tend to list for why they don’t let their children play outdoors by themselves are:
Injury fears
Road safety
It’s the same three issues I hear in New Zealand too.
As a play advocate and an academic, I know the research that speaks to the innumerable benefits of play, the consequences of playlessness, the positive and negative impacts of adult involvement in children’s play, and societal/generational changes that have shaped (mostly negatively) the current status quo for play in our cities. I also know the international data that directly challenges these parental fears:
Injuries in outdoor play are less than organised sport[1]
It’s more dangerous for children to be in a car than a pedestrian on the street[2]
Kidnapping by strangers is as rare as the lottery[3]
But that research is from Europe, Canada, and the US, and that always bugged me.
We can’t talk about health & safety and play, specifically the topic of children having independent outdoor adventures, based on international data. We need New Zealand data. But where is it? Not in one simple place, so I had to go digging. I’ve had an adventure of my own – an indoor digital-based adventure to find and crunch the numbers so you don’t have to. That’s not a real adventure though, so now it’s time for me to go outside and play, but before you do the same, and before you tell your kids to go on their own outdoor adventure, you need to read this.
Is it safe to let children play outside?
Of course, it is! Use some common sense. But read on if you want the numbers.
Injury Fears
The risks of physical activity in childhood reported in research is limited to physical injury and sudden cardiac death (SCD).[4] As injuries are the biggest reported risk for play and SCD is rare we’ll look at the NZ injury data.
ACC (New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation) records data on injury claims, and following an information request I was able to get a very clear picture of injury rates for children and young people between 2007 and 2022.[5]
Most injuries happen at home, followed by sport/recreation facilities, and then school. All places we’re happy to have our children because we perceive them as being safe. The irony is that the places we think are safe (and they are still relatively safe) are actually more dangerous than we perceive them to be.
If we start splitting out the sport/recreation data into playing via sport, in public places, and on playgrounds, we see an even clearer picture. Injury claims in sport far outweigh injuries from playing in playgrounds and other public spaces regardless of age.
Older kids and teenagers play more organised sport, so we could assume that more sporting injuries occurs because less play occurs. I’ve also just been saying that kids experience less independent play these days, so we could expect sporting injury to be higher when organised participation is more common these days. However, even if it's not as adventurous or independent as they would like, we should still assume that children still play or at least try to play, anywhere and everywhere.
The graphs also show that even younger kids still get hurt more playing sport than outdoor play. The trend lines give us the picture that these statistics were likely the case prior to 2007 as well, and therefore not unique to the current generation. So, we can’t automatically assume less play injury occurs purely because less play occurs.
Importantly, although playing sport results in a substantially greater number of injuries than outdoor play, the benefits of participating in sport clearly outweigh the risks[6] (because physical activity is amazing). With this being true for sport, it’s even more true for play.
Takeaway: Injury rates in play are significantly lower than they are in organised sport in New Zealand, and the benefits of sport already outweigh the risks. Let the children play outside.
Road Safety
Parents regularly cite concerns about traffic dangers as to why they won’t let their children independently play outside the home, explore the neighbourhood, or use active transport to/from school. I share some of these concerns, acknowledging that my neighbourhood (indeed the whole city of Invercargill) privileges vehicles through wide roads, high numbers of parking spaces, few pedestrian crossings, and long wait times at signalised intersections.
However, if we highlight the earlier graph of injuries by location and highlight just the home and road-based data, it’s a pretty stark contrast.
The home is clearly more dangerous than being out on a road. But does it still make sense to drive our children instead of letting them walk and bike to school and for play purposes because of road safety fears?
The 15th report from the Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee[7] shows that between 2015 and 2019, transport incidents were the second biggest killer (498 incidents) of 0–24-year-olds (suicide being the worst at 655) in New Zealand. But of the 498 transport incidents 64.5% were car occupants, vs 12.2% being pedestrians (with young kids 0-4 and 15-24 years old being the peak age groups).
We could assume that if more 5–15-year-olds were allowed out for independent travel and play that there might be an increase in pedestrian-based transport fatalities. However, more childhood independence would also correspond with a decrease in vehicles on the road, so that isn’t a given.
Takeaway: It is more life-threatening for children to be passengers in a car than being a pedestrian (i.e., playing and exploring the neighbourhood). Let the children play outside.
New Zealand Police statistics do not record kidnappings as a unique crime, instead, crimes are aggregated under the category titled “Abduction, Harassment and Other Related Offences Against a Person”.[8] This means we can’t directly pinpoint child (0-19 years old) kidnappings specifically. Nonetheless, here are the stats based on the aggregate data:
In this category, across all perpetrator and victim ages and relationships (i.e., strangers and persons known to the victim) makes up 3% of total crime. This is even less for children and young people, and even less for strangers. In other words, kidnappings are rare and more likely to be perpetrated by person’s known to the victim.
In this category, for 2022, specifically involving strangers (i.e., stranger-danger, the fear this is based off) there were 0 instances for 0–9-year-olds, 3 for 10–14-year-olds, and 4 for 15-19-year-olds.
If all 7 incidents were true examples of kidnapping (which they are unlikely to be), the odds of a child (0-19 years old) being kidnapped are 1:142,888. This is equivalent to 142,857 hours of outdoor time before the chance of kidnapping might occur. That’s equivalent to children being outside unsupervised 24/7 from their birth to age 16.
That’s obviously ridiculous though, so what about something more realistic such as average time actually spent outdoors?
Sport NZ’s Active NZ data shows an average of 11 hours of physical activity per week for children and young people between 2017-2019[9]. If all of those 11 hours were spent in independent outdoor play then it would take 261 years before encountering a risk of kidnapping by a stranger.
Even with the most pessimistic outlook, these odds are stupefyingly low. It’s possible that none of the 7 instances recorded for 10–19-year-olds were kidnappings (e.g., they could have been harassment or other crimes). I also haven't mentioned yet that there are cities and whole regions that also hadn't recorded any instances across the reporting timeframe.
These stats also don’t take into account children’s skills at protecting themselves, that even when playing independently it is usually independent of caregivers but not of other children, and often in public places, nor the intervention by others to protect children should something go wrong, etc.
Takeaway: The odds of a stranger kidnapping a child whilst outdoors playing are uncomprehendingly low. Let your kids play outside.
The New Zealand data matches the international data:
New Zealand Children’s informal play injuries are lower than in organised sport (which we rightfully value and is normalised by society).
It’s more dangerous for New Zealand children to be at home than on the road, and when they are on the road children are killed and hurt more when they’re passengers in vehicles than as pedestrians.
The chances of a child in New Zealand being kidnapped by a stranger are so infinitesimally small it’s hard to comprehend.
None of this denies that accidents and crime do sometimes happen, and our attempts to protect our children by limiting their outdoor play come from the best place in the world, but at what cost?
Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff say,
We believe that efforts to protect children from environmental hazards and vehicular accidents have been very good for children. Exposure to lead and cigarette smoke confer no benefits; being in a car crash without a seat belt does not make kids more resilient in future car crashes. But efforts to protect kids from risk by preventing them from gaining experience – such as walking to school, climbing a tree, or using sharp scissors – are different. Such protections come with costs, as kids miss out on opportunities to learn skills, independence, and risk assessment.[10]
But it’s even bigger than that. Going into all the research on the benefits of play and the consequences of playlessness is a whole other article, but it’s worth highlighting one other piece of work that relates to the previous statistic of suicide being New Zealand’s number one youth killer. Professor Peter Gray, a psychology researcher, and his colleagues have made the case that increases in anxiety, depression, and suicide are linked to reduced play opportunities in childhood.[11] The hard truth is that our fears are not based in reality, and denying children their playful independence comes at huge cost.
Let the children play outside!
Anyway, next time you’re talking about health and safety in outdoor play and parental fears associated with it, you can now point to the New Zealand data.
[1] Nauta, J., Martin-Diener, E., Martin, B. W., Van Mechelen, W., & Verhagen, E. (2015). Injury risk during different physical activity behaviours in children: a systematic review with bias assessment. Sports medicine, 45, 327-336.
[4] Longmuir, P. E., Colley, R. C., Wherley, V. A., & Tremblay, M. S. (2014). Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology position stand: Benefit and risk for promoting childhood physical activity. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 39(11), 1271-1279.
[5] Let me know if you want the data sheets. It’ll save ACC from responding to another information request.
[6] Mills, K., Dudley, D., & Collins, N. J. (2019). Do the benefits of participation in sport and exercise outweigh the negatives? An academic review. Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, 33(1), 172-187.
[7] Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee: 15th data report: 2015–19 | Te Rōpū Arotake Auau Mate o te Hunga Tamariki, Taiohi: Te pūrongo raraunga 15: 2015–19 | Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission (
[8] This data comes from, compared with census data and odds calculated by me.
[10] Haidt, J., & Lukianoff, G. (2018). The coddling of the American mind: How good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failure. Penguin UK. Pg 169
[11] Gray, P., Lancy, D. F., & Bjorklund, D. F. (2023). Decline in Independent Activity as a Cause of Decline in Children’s Mental Well-being: Summary of the Evidence. The Journal of Pediatrics, 260.